The Harvard Knitting Project

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

back from home

all right, well, I survived the horrible redeye and am back to lounging in my dorm room. Roomie is sadly not home. Hi roomie! I miss you! The Boy is working at the homeless shelter tonight. So I am all alone with my computer and I am armed with pointy sticks.

In knitting news, I did the thing I told myself I wouldn't do.

I gave away most of my knitted gifts without taking photos.

That's right. There is no photographic record of the most epic wee ninja in the world, of the Most Happy Wristwarmers, or of the variation socks for dear Tessa (which I am afraid will not fit her, though if they do, they will look lovely poking up from her clogs), or of the dried-mango bag for cheyenne. So sad!

Well, instead I'm just goint to work on the second teva durham loop-d-loop glove, and reflect on this photo. It's of Moonstone beach, and is from a facebook group about my hometown. It had this caption: "Moonstone beach is the beach."

So true. To an extent this is true of all towns, but especially so with Arcata: Moonstone beach is THE beach. The Plaza is THE plaza. The Co-Op is THE grocery store. Redwood Community Forest is THE forest. And of course, Los Bagels are THE bagels. beaches, plazas, groceries, forests, bagels. These things are defined by Moonstone, Co-Op, Arcata plaza, Los Bagels, the redwoods. Nothing else will measure up and I'm sorry to say that unless I move back home, I'll spend the rest of my life saying
"Forest? You think that's a forest? Back home we had forests."
"Beach? You think that's a beach? Back home we had beaches."

and so on. Between that and the knitting, it seems there is no way I can escape being insufferable?



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